
Intelligence type:All

Number of students:

  • Any number of students.

How it works:

  • The idea of a learning journal (also called reflective journal), is to develop an ever growing document that you as a learner write to record your learning experiences and the progress of what you learn.
  • Writing a regular journal is a little limited. It is difficult to fix mistakes like typos, and the type of media you can include is limited to writing, drawing, pictures and art expressions. It is also not too dynamic.
  • An eJournal is, as you might have guessed, an electronic journal. It can be done in a Word or Power Point document, in a blog format or even as a website. The idea is to use a format that allows you to include audio files (voice recordings, music, sounds, etc.), links to other pages or online albums, images, even dynamic formulas, macros and animation.
  • An eJournal can be done individually or in a group. It can be assigned as a term project or to track different assignments during the semester. The possibilities are endless.

Using this activity in the classroom:

  • As a teacher, you have to be sure that the eJournal has a clear objective and shows a progression in learning. Otherwise it is just an accumulation of information. 
  • Below you can see an examaple of a page of an ejournal. It has basic information about what is on that page and links to different theories and to a presentation based on those theories.

Click image to enlarge

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