Haiku poem

Intelligence type: Mathematical, verbal, musical & interpersonal

Number of students:
  • Any number of students. 
  • Better to do in small groups.

How it works:
  • Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry that became popularized in the west.
  • In Japanese, it is a single line consisting of seventeen mora (sound units).
  • Because English is so different than Japanese, it is expressed in three lines.
  • The formula is: a short line (five syllables), a long line (seven syllables), and another short line (five syllables).
  • Traditional haiku always has some reference to nature or one of the four seasons. A haiku that is meant to be for other purposes (like learning) can contain anything as long as it follows the format. This type of haiku is also referred to as pseudo-haiku.
  • Here is a website that can count the syllables for you http://www.howmanysyllables.com/words/types.html

Using this activity in the classroom:
  • Remember that having a developed musical intelligence doesn't mean your students are willing to sing or perform in front of everyone in the class. 
  • This is a great activity to do guided by the teacher. For this, it is good to show some examples first and ask the students to give ideas. 
  • Haiku poems more than a classroom project, are a tool for remembering information. It is better taught at the beginning of a learning period (like a semester).

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